[Originally published on Centre for London website, 30 March 2020]
Strange days, when a transport authority claims an 80 to 90
per cent drop in passenger numbers as a success, as Transport for London’s Mike
Brown did on Thursday. It’s a
success which could take a £1 billion bite out of TfL’s annual income just over
the next three months (together with the loss of congestion charging revenue) –
at a time when Crossrail delays were already hitting the balance sheet (and
will even more while works are at a standstill).
Making up that shortfall will be one of a million urgent
negotiations over coming months (and given ministerial demands to keep the Tube
and buses running, the Treasury will surely have to pay a fair share), but it
also prompts a more fundamental question – is it right that the operation of
London’s transport system is so heavily dependent on fares and other user
As Table 1 below shows, fares account for about 72 per cent
of TfL’s revenues, with a further four per cent coming from congestion
charging. The rest is made up of other commercial revenues, plus just over £1
billion (15 per cent of the total) coming from taxes – mainly retained business
rates, with smaller amounts from general taxation and mayoral council tax.
Table 1:
London transport revenue sources
Transport for London
Congestion charge
Media and rental
Retained business rates
Council tax
But is that the right balance? Is transport a product to be bought by
individual customers, or is it an urban service, something that is provided as
much to the city as a whole as it is to individual passengers? Cities rely on
mass transit just as tall buildings rely on lifts. Without transport systems
that can move millions every day as efficiently as possible, cities grind to a
halt – or hollow out as corporations flee congestion. In both cases, reliance
on private cars rises, with all the pollution that entails.
Supporting mass transit is therefore in the interests of
businesses, of the environment and of the city as a whole – whether or not
individual citizens use the system, they rely to some extent on other people
being able to move around the city (and on roads being kept free for freight).
So there is a case for public sector support, of the system as a whole and for
the people who cannot afford
to pay full price.
But relying so heavily on passenger revenues does not just
make TfL vulnerable to events such as the current crisis, but also makes
revenue dependent on mass transit systems that are themselves under strain. To
address those pressures and reduce carbon impacts, the Mayor and TfL have committed
to promote ‘active travel’ (walking and cycling), but it is only public
transport (and congestion charging) that makes money. With some of the highest
fares in the world, TfL’s commercial and strategic interests are not well
It’s not always been this way. The reliance on passenger
revenues is a relatively new phenomenon: as recently as 2010/11, more than 50
per cent of TfL’s revenues were in the form of a grant from central government.
And it’s not the way other cities operate either.
Comparisons are imprecise and no city is perfect, but New York and Paris both
have very different funding models (tables 2 and 3 below). Both cities have
some subsidy from different tiers of government – around eight per cent of the
NY total, and 18 per cent in Paris (or rather the larger region of Île de
Table 2: New York transport revenue sources
Metropolitan Transport Authority (2018)
Media, rental etc
Fuel taxes
Mortgage and property taxes
Payroll taxes
Other taxes
City and state subsidies
Table 3: Paris
(Île de France) transport revenue sources
Île de France
Mobilités (2017)
Media, fines etc
Fuel taxes (TICPE)
Payroll tax (VT)
Public subsidies
Both cities also draw some revenue from taxes on petrol and
diesel: 15 per cent in New York compared to just one per cent in Paris. In the
UK, fuel duty and vehicle excise duty are collected and retained nationally,
with VED
ring-fenced for road maintenance outside London. Allocating London its share would give the
city around £500m extra per annum, but both fuel duty and VED are set to
decline in coming years, as more efficient vehicles proliferate. Centre for
London has argued
for a comprehensive approach to road user charging, rather than tethering
London’s transport to an eroding tax base.
New York draws another 7 per cent of its revenues from taxes
on mortgages and property transactions, but both comparator cities also rely
heavily on payroll taxes. In New York, employers pay from 0.11 to 0.34 per cent
of payroll costs (depending
on payroll size); in Île de France, rates range from 1.4 to 2.6 per cent (depending on location).
The sums generated by these business taxes are higher than
retained business rates in London, much higher in the case of Paris, and could
be argued to relate more directly to how far companies rely on the public
transport network to enable employees (and customers) to travel across the
city. Payroll taxes may not be the right answer for London, though a devolved
alternative to business rates is long overdue, but the current crisis should
prompt longer-term thinking about the right mix of taxes for a 21st
Century transport system.
Seeking higher government grants is one way to reflect the
civic value of London’s transport system, but seems likely to have limited
mileage at a time of regional rebalancing (and persistent
allegations that London already receives more than its share of transport
funding). Even Paris draws less than 20 per cent of its funding from national,
regional and local subsidies.
London should seek devolution to enable innovation, not a
squabble about regional allocation. How much should businesses and residents
pay for the infrastructure that keeps the city running? Should tourists and
other visitors pay through a hotel tax? Should taxis and minicabs, and new
arrivals such as electric bike and scooter companies, pay more for their use of
London roads?
When London’s economy and civic life begin to defrost, and
the Tube once again feels the – once tiresome but now longed-for – strain of
urban rush hours, it will be time to think again about who pays what for the
hundreds of millions of journeys that take place in London every year.
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